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Our title simply highlights the basic fact that even the densest elements such as gold are almost 100% empty space. Newton certainly didn’t know this and probably neither did Einstein.

Since Newton and Cavendish’s later experiment the standard view of experts in the field is that mass exerts gravity in an attraction for another mass. This view gives no explanation of why gravity is always exerted when no other mass is in sight. Also this does not explain why gravity having passed through a sky scraper still has the same power as before and the same as adjacent empty space that has not passed through 100 floors of concrete and steel.

This we believe supports the view that gravity is a direct pull or suction on empty space Itself this creates multiple streams, eternally moving to every mass. The mass of its origin. This can also account for ‘dark’ matter, this doesn’t exist. Invisible gravity is the reason for otherwise inexplicable forces, seen to occur, but having no observable origin. Take the solar system with the Milky Way our system moves up and down through the plane of the main disc shape over billions of years in repetition.  In doing so it will move in and out of the main stream of gravity on a regular basis and when in the main stream it could be expected to have greater influence on asteroids, comets and other elements of the solar system including the sun.

As we have outlined in our blogs many times before, the redshift of light from astronomical objects in space is:-too close to earth in time and space to be affected, or If astronomical distance the effects of gravity show up,the further and further away the object the greater and greater the redshift displayed. This is absolutely and utterly the signature of gravity beyond argument.Gravity gains power by addition in this case by having more distance to take effect. Twice as far.away twice the effect.  No need whatsoever of imagined faster and faster expansion.

If no Big Bang how do we explain the cosmic microwave background radiation? This was considered to confirm Big Bang as opposed to steady state theory.
Well now what do we know that comes equally from all directions? Let us think what could it be that is not imaginary that is known to exist?  Could it possibly be gravity? 
That is pulling, pushing and sucking if you prefer from all directions as we understand In New Gravity? ( not a direct pull on masses)